Implantation and surgery

Unfortunately, our teeth do not last forever. Environmental problems, unhealthy diet, improper care, heredity lead to dental diseases, and sometimes to the loss of teeth. It often happens that even at a young age people have to go to the dentist with a request for teeth implantation. And of course, people who loose their teeth because of age-related changes also need to replace them.

implantFortunately, today the loss of one or more teeth is no longer a “verdict” for a beautiful and perfect smile. After all, it is easy to solve this problem by means of laser implantation of teeth, which has been successfully implemented by our dentists for several years in Dt. Turhan Güldaş' practice.
Unpleasant buzzing of the dental engine, discomfortable removable dentures requiring regular replacement are in the past! Nowadays they are substituted with convenient and reliable dental implants!

What is an implantation and how is it performed?

Dental implantation is the introduction of artificial analogue of the lost root in the bone tissue. In Dt. Turhan Güldaş' practice dentists use titanium, which has several advantages: it does not enter into chemical reactions, does not cause irritation and inflammation of the gums, does not corrode, is very durable and, in addition to all, does not create a heavy strain on the jaw bone.

In Dt. Turhan Güldaş' practice we use only the finest dental implants, which are approved by the experts around the world:

Laser implantation of teeth in Dt. Turhan Güldaş' practice is carried out with a help of the latest high-grade «Light Touch» dental laser from Syneron Company. Teeth implantation using this device, allows minimizing discomfort during the procedure. All the cuts and preparations of the bone for teeth implantation are performed no-scalpel, but in a "peaceful" way - with the help of a laser beam.

Implantation procedure is quick and takes very little time: under local anaesthesia, laser cuts oral mucosa, and then implant is introduced into the bone tissue using a special device - physio dispenser. Laser treatment provides not only a good result of the operation, but also guarantees better and faster healing, as well as aseptic conditions and minimal blood loss.

Laser implantation of teeth

Laser implantation of teeth is one of the most innovative trends in dentistry. Thanks to the development of this technique, as well as the use of titanium implants, dentists almost managed to solve one of the major problems of teeth implantation - low percentage of transplantability. With this innovative technology new teeth show good transplantability in nearly 95% of cases.

What are the advantages of laser implantation of teeth?

Minimal invasiveness. Through the use of laser, the area of surgical intervention is reduced to 3-5 mm in diameter. Implantation of teeth with a laser has a minimal impact on bone tissue, so after the first stage of the procedure patients can return to their normal activities. In addition, laser surgery provides faster healing with less postoperative discomfort and swelling.

Aseptic conditions. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of the dental laser, it provides the highest sterility level on the surgical field and, hence, reduces the risk of infections, complications and rejection of the metal implant.

Minimal blood loss. Precision surgical maneuver ensures minimal loss of the patient's blood.
Long-lasting result. Thanks to the laser implantation, the reliability and strength of the implant is the same as such characteristics of patient’s healthy teeth. This means that the new teeth can reliably serve for decades.

Quick procedure. Laser implantation of teeth takes no more than 15 - 30 minutes.

Painless procedure. With the use of the laser, the need for local anaesthesia is minimal. Slight pain or even the complete absence of it, will be a pleasant postoperative bonus.

Psychological comfort. Dental laser does not cause annoying "buzzing" sounds of a dental drill, which has been causing discomfort and nervousness to many people visiting a dentist since their childhood.

Who has the medical indications for dental prosthesis using implants?

Patients who are tired of both physical and psychological discomfort associated with the use of removable dentures, want to improve their appearance and to enjoy their meal.

Patients who have lost teeth and can not fully use the complete dentures for various reasons. We offer to these patients:

  • full restoration of dentitions with single crowns based on implants;
  • the construction of the modern and aesthetic dentures (metal-ceramic and all-ceramic) and the use of 8 -10 implants for each dentition.