Metal-free ceramics crowns

Ceramics – this is a very modern look prosthetics. Here, we can always solve the problems of aesthetics of the teeth. Metal-free design made ​​of special highly durable ceramic without the addition of a metal frame, which gives the final design of the desired aesthetic appearance.

Of metal-free ceramic crowns are made , veneers , ceramic inlays and onlays (inley, onley) in all cases where it is necessary to replace old fillings extensive and prolong the life of the tooth with minimal loss of hard tissue .


With metal-free ceramics (zirconia or E-max) experts of clinic “PLANETA MEDIKAL” solve a lot of problems in your favor, if you have the nature of dark teeth, old fillings were dark, there are minor chips on the front teeth, you do not like the shape of their teeth.

Ceramics – it’s the only material that does not cause allergic reactions.

As the name implies, the crowns of this material will be executed completely metal-free. Unlike cermet that is a metal cap lined with ceramics, Ceramics consists in whole from porcelain. It is this feature and determine its merits ceramic.

Advantages of ceramic.

Ceramics has a metal frame with applied very strong foundation of special ceramics. This technology allows us to solve the problem of front teeth. Outwardly, this crown is nothing indistinguishable from natural teeth .

Ceramics can make dentures. This technology is by far the leading dentists named the world’s most safe and advantageous . Porcelain – inert material, it has no impact on the environment. Thus, Ceramics does not cause harm to human body . Of all-ceramic crowns are made strictly in accordance with the shape and color of the patient’s teeth. For the patient is very important all the qualities of the denture. Here Ceramics can show his best side.

Ceramics for aesthetic properties very similar to a real tooth. Ceramics has the same degree of light refraction as the enamel of the tooth. Externally crown made ​​of metal-free ceramic, always taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s natural teeth , even for highly qualified professional – a dentist does not differ from the patient’s natural teeth . So from a cosmetic point of view Ceramics – this is the most ideal material for modeling tooth. However, it should be recalled that the practicality of use is important, not less than beauty. More recently, it was thought that of all-ceramic crowns can be placed only on front teeth , that is, it was possible to use it more for aesthetic reasons .

Ceramics, in principle, was not designed for the loads that have to withstand chewing teeth , for example, when eating . But lately, in the manufacture of all-ceramic injection molding technology used. Bits obtained in this manner is much stronger than those previously produced . Ceramics – the ideal solution from the point of view of the dentist, and from the point of view of the patient. That’s why Ceramics is gaining popularity among patients.
Ceramics – is one of the latest advances in dentistry, which allows to produce lightweight, reliable and aesthetic prosthetics (crowns). Outwardly, this crown is even for the dentist is indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Ceramics is absolutely harmless to the body. Ceramic crowns are made entirely in accordance with the shape and color of the patient’s teeth.

For the period of manufacture of permanent structures patient may put a temporary crown (temporary prosthesis), which will hide the defect, and the patient will never experience difficulties in communication.