Metal-ceramic crowns

metal keramika akoshkaCermet is now the most popular form of non-removable dentures : metal closest to their physical and mechanical properties to the natural tooth enamel.


With metal ceramics can achieve the full identity of artificial teeth with the natural teeth in appearance and functions.

Сermet artificial teeth can be perfectly (under normal manufacturing) chew, as well as their teeth, and in some cases even better.

At cermet several times less settles microbial plaque than their teeth or metal. Therefore, the cermet teeth are more “hygienic”. This is especially important for patients with periodontitis.

Durability. Cermet very accurately put on the tooth. Consequently, between the crown and the tooth food and saliva did not fall, tooth decay under the crown does not develop. As a result, crown lasts longer. To date, the most durable ceramic-metal construction of the possible in dentistry. Average life of metal- on -precious alloys 10-12 years. On gold: platinum alloy is 15 years or more. Such a life of metal-ceramic crown is possible only if it is made special by using modern materials and techniques that are used by specialists in Dt. Turhan Güldaş' practice.

With the help of cermets prosthetics are possible from the simple to the most complex deformities of the teeth with the same success and long-lasting prognosis.

Metal crown will never cause changes in the gums. It shouldn’t bleed, also will not change its own color and will not change the contour. If it is not, then the manufacture of metal- not your mind the modern methods of the prosthesis.


In the manufacture of ceramic crowns we highlight several important stages

Fabrication in laboratory

For the manufacture of metal-ceramic crowns, dental primarily makes metal frame, which must exactly match the contours of the prepared tooth. Frame – is the most important part of the design metal-ceramic crown. To maximize the quality to be manufactured from alloys of precious metals (gold and platinum, gold and palladium) or titanium alloys.

Then, on a metal frame, he does a porcelain veneer layers . We choose the shade of porcelain so that it was no different from the natural color of your teeth. This crown has excellent aesthetic qualities – she looks like a healthy tooth, it is strong and durable.

Modern technologies allow to obtain any color tone enamel. Metal ceramic crowns have excellent aesthetic qualities and at the same time strong enough to withstand high loads.